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Discord: WereMaxEl (weremaxel)


Name: WereMaxEl
Discord: WereMaxEl (weremaxel)
Age: 31 years
Art-Hashtag: #WereMaxArt
Languages: Deutsch, Englisch
Well, well, hello there!

I'm WereMaxEl, the demonic wolf spirit on Twitch and a villainous misfit rowdytuber.
Wait what?

Yeah, I'm a misfit, villain and rowdy all in one! I do what I want, when I want and in whichever language I want on stream.^^ Mainly in either German or English, sometimes simultaneously even.

In in terms of games you can find almost everything, as long as my hardware can keep up. Yet, I do have a thing for hidden gems among the indie gaming scene and simulation/sandbox-games.
From time to time you will also be able to find art on my streams and regular just chatting streams. Especially my monthly Vtuber Nightclub streams are a highlight, because you not only get to meet interesting peronalities/projects but also some good clubbing music. Why don't you hang out with us in the VIP lounge next time?^^

I'm always open for collabs and in general am down for any crazy adventure.

Why Rowdytuber? Well, I'm not painting in just black or white. I like it bright and colorful, which is why I'm neither strictly seiso nor strictly sus or lewd. Being in between is my brand, as well as questioning black and white standards ^^


Gaming, Just Chatting, Talkshow, Art, Music, Reading

Social Media

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WereMaxEl ´s Imprint
VirtualLifeDE - WereMaxEl | GerVTuber @ VirtualLifeDE